Dev Log 3

 Development continues on Lia's Library. The team is continuing to work away, the week break that split up the sprint has delayed our schedule, I am very happy to say that we did have enough buffer to just extend that sprint into the next week so we are not behind. Robin has completed most of the soundtrack for the game and Valdirk has begun to finish up the final levels track.  I have been continuing to act as producer for the team, our sprints have been carrying over a lot more tasks recently then what I would have liked so I have asked the design team to leave the first levels as is and to focus on the next collection of levels so we have a first pass on them for testing next week. I created a tilemap and some animations for the second level, including magical plants with calm and angry versions for the corrupted and non corrupted section of the level. My next collection of tasks will be Tilemap 3 and NPC animations for the rest of the game. Thankfully their animations are limited and I can likely animate lots of them with modular parts so some apprentices can have the same body type and different faces.

Here is some of the art:

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